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You are here: Home > Science > Living Things > Animals > Birds > Raptors > Falcons


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American Kestrel
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - Learn what they eat, how they hunt, how they pick a mate, where they make their nests, and where they prefer to live. From Texas Parks and Wildlife.
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American Kestrel
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - The Carolina Raptor Center tells about North America's smallest falcon, where they build their nests, how they hunt, and why their beak is different.
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Critter Corner: Peregrine Falcon
[ Kids/Teens ] - Contains facts about the peregrine falcon such as appearance and why their numbers are declining.
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[ Kids/Teens ] - Explains the cold areas where this raptor lives, what they eat, how they hunt, and interesting facts. See photos and take a quiz from The Peregrine Fund.
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[ Teens/Mature Teens ] - Short article tells what they look like, where they nest and spend the winter, and what they eat. From The Aviary.
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Mauritius Kestrel
[ Kids/Teens ] - Tells about this raptor that lives only in one place, what it eats, where it got its name, and why it is endangered. See photos and take a quiz. From The Peregrine Fund.
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[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - Learn where the smallest raptor in Ireland lives, what they look like, how they hunt, and why they are protected.
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[ Kids/Teens ] - Find out the many places this falcon lives, what it eats, how it hunts, and interesting facts. See photos and take a quiz. From The Peregrine Fund.
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Nankeen Kestrel
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] - Learn what they look like, where they live, how they hunt and what they use to build their nest.
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Northern Aplomado Falcon
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] - Texas Parks and Wildlife explains their history, habitat, threats and reasons for decline, and what is being done to help their recovery. [PDF]
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