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You are here: Home > Science > Living Things > Animals > Birds > Raptors > Hawks


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Broad-winged Hawk
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - Find out how these buteos are different from other hawks, where they prefer to live and nest, and why they migrate in large groups. From Carolina Raptor Center.
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Cooper's Hawk
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - Carolina Raptor Center tells about this accipiter's name, the different areas where it lives, how it builds a nest, and what sounds it makes.
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Harris' Hawk
[ Kids/Teens ] - Explains where this tropical hawk lives, what it eats, how it hunts, where it nests, and what its name means. See photos and take a quiz. From The Peregrine Fund.
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Northern Goshawk
[ Kids/Teens ] - Learn where this accipter lives, what it eats, how it hunts, and why they are used in falconry. See photos and take a quiz.
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Red-shouldered Hawk
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - All About Birds tells where the five species of this buteo live, how they are different from each other, what they sound like, and some cool facts.
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Sharp-shinned Hawk
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - Birds of Nova Scotia explains where these accipters nest, spend the winter, and when they migrate. Read about one sharp-shinned hawk and a flock of starlings.
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Swainson's Hawk
[ Kids/Teens ] - The Peregrine Fund tells where this buteo lives, what it eats, how it hunts, and what its name means. See photos and take a quiz.
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